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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Daily Encourager- Strugglin U Want to Read - B90 Challenge

2 Samuel 7: 25-26 "And now, LORD God, keep forever the promise you have made concerning your servant and his house. Do as you promised, so that your name will be great forever.

As I back track with this one scripture this am, I want to share something that has been burning in my heart over this journey. As I have mentioned earlier on, We were struck with trials at the beginning of this journey. I believe they are for growth and of course why would the enemy not attack us? We are challenging our self to draw closer to God by reading his word. That is the perfect reason for any attack during this challenge... This is a huge growth in His word and our relationship with Him. I got up this am carrying a heavy burden that relates to a few of the tests thrown in our path. I will admit, this journey for me personally has been amazing for the most part. But the turn with my thyroid put a mountain size boulder with a few small ones surrounding it in the middle of our path. What was my reaction, I GOT MAD! I mean I got mad and I let the Lord know it. 2010 is supposed to be a receiving year, so it should be a better year or will it?

I was reminded that when we are struggling we must come and ask for help even if it means asking continuously. I had been asking for a long while for Gods help, I just simply quit asking all the time. I would ask on occasion cause I am tired of asking and not getting the answer. How much more do I have to ask for the same thing. The answer CONSISTANTLY! Remember Gods timing is not our timing. [My thoughts, That STINKS!] You say what does 2 Samuel 7: 25-26 have to do with this. Friends, I shared a message earlier on that I felt the Lord laid on my heart for all of us. Whether you accepted or rejected it is not for my say. But this is what I felt to share today.

Our Father speaks TRUTH, He shines light in to the darkeness. What He says He will do, He will do it! If you are struggling today or maybe you have been the whole course of this challenge, [I know I have at times] He gave us His word to produce life within us. The bible is our life, our food to nourish our soul. We must read it daily to nourish our growth in Him. When we struggle we must hold on to Gods TRUTH. He has given us His word that He will provide for each one of us.

As I read this scripture over [noted above] I remembered - Hold Him Accountable to what He says- In others words you want proof that He is going to keep His words. So what ever He has told you, if you are struggling - HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE to what He has promised you. Yesterday was one of my most trying days as I heard - Hold Him Accountable- I set it in to motion. He has promised to deliver our family out of the fire and other things. Now I am putting the pressure on Him because the pressure is on us. I will consistantly ask and become that pest who knocks on the door 24/7. He promised to provide when in time of need and I accept the help, I expect Him to keep His word, I will hold Him accountable for what He says.

As I close this up, I want to remind you something as well. When you joined this challenge, you in a way made a pledge with God that you would read His word cover to cover. He is going to hold you to your word. So as you go about this journey, during any struggles that may come your way. Let me encourage you by reminding you first, God will never leave you, second, this challenge is a time for growing and what usually happens when we grow - STORM, TESTS, TRIALS, I can go on. Whether you are behind or caught up. Stay in Gods word and nourish your soul. You will need His strength to defeat the enemy when He comes to attack. You will gain more knowledge of Gods word, Grow in Him and your relationship with Him and you will be able to help others when they are in need of help.

I also want to remind you, PRAY! Pray before you read or during your readings or even after. Pray and when I say Pray I mean Pray, Not just a few simple words. Go to the heavenlies and pray to our father. Get in His presence and sit at His feet a while. We find our rest, our answers and we even take joy just sitting at His feet. Worship Him during this journey. As always put on the FULL ARMOR of GOD daily.

Friends, its urgent that we all unite with our Father, times are getting tougher and trials will be harder. Direct connection and communication with our Father is important in order to make it through these tough times we face ahead. We will need our FAITH to be strong and TRUST in HIM like we have never before. This is why I believe that many have struggled so much today, He is trying to build their faith and teach them to trust and rely on HIM. I know we can do this, even if it takes some past the 90 days to keep at, KEEP AT IT!

I share this for each of us, I truly feel this is Gods encourager for all of us!
Be blessed today my friends and have a wonderful day! God Bless you all!

The B90 Daily - Day 27

in this issue

Today's reading
Something to ponder
Key verse
Resources + Community

Today's reading
Pages 312-324 (2 Kings 4-15)

Something to ponder
Many of Elisha's actions foreshadow Christ. List as many as you can. (2 Kings 3-7)

Key verse
The stew was poured out for the men, but as they began to eat it, they cried out, "O man of God, there is death in the pot!" And they could not eat it. Elisha said, "Get some flour." He put it into the pot and said, "Serve it to the people to eat." And there was nothing harmful in the pot. 2 Kings 4:40-41

You don't have to do all of your reading in one sitting. Today, try adding at least one additional time of reading. For instance, if you normally read two times a day, read three times today. How do you like reading more frequently, but in smaller portions?

"The Bible is the cradle wherein Christ is laid."

Martin Luther

Resources + Community
The MOST IMPORTANT resource is the one that you are now reading daily.

More Resources + Community

Please know that our ministry is here to support you throughout.

Ted Cooper Jr.
Bible in 90 Days - The Ministry

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