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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Making Your Home A Haven

Ok, so I ran across this terrificly great blog and this post by Courtney - "Making Your Home A Haven".  This is my first time linking up and I am really excited. She has a lot of great tips on her blog. But this recent blog meme really has captured my attention. I want so desperately to be the Home Mom # 2. If you want to know what I mean, continue reading and then run over and check out her blog.   {to join in the meme, copy her link above and save her picture to the side and make your blog post. BUT... Please head over to her blog post first and read her post.}

This week I will join up and strive along with other moms to be a
Proverbs 14:1 Woman. "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."

This has really hit home with me and I am really excited about the changes that are ahead and praying for a refreshing touch from my father up above. Something that really got me thinking was her question, What makes a haven? Take a moment and ask yourself this very same question. We all strive to have the neat and clean home, neatly decorated. Some of us strive a little more then others. Near to perfection. Sad but the true thing is, We will never see perfection on this earth until we are in the presence of our father.

I strive so hard to be the woman I know God wants me to be. I strive to keep my house clean, Not always am I successful. Honestly, I used to be so completely humiliated truthfully to have some one in my home while it is a mess. Few dishes in sink one thing but a days worth, I would absolutely flip. I have 3 toddlers [3,4, & 5 and a 12 yo] All are pretty good about keeping picked up, but there are days that well, in a nutshell; If you pop over at my house and my house was a mess, before we answer the door we would do a - everybody grab something and run it up stairs to where it belongs in 5-4-3-2-1 and ok ready - Open the door. Lol!  [Seriously! ] I hated being like this and still do when I feel the urge, I fight so hard to shove it to the side.

I have honestly never been like this before. It just seems that over the years and the pregnancies that I literally have to strive harder to be neat and sometimes I honestly over do it. Yack.  All that makes is more stress with the everyday pressures of life already on the shoulders. YUCK!  I have to honestly say, I am getting better. If there are few things out of place and someone stops over, I can live with the, Ah, Its out of place, I will get it later - Not a big deal. We have all strived to stay on a routine to keep up after everything, for the most part I have really worked hard to let things roll off my back so that we can enjoy more of the family life and less of the stress or added pressures. 

In the last year I was told I had Hypothyroid - and literally the smallest thing would trigger me to flip out and be stressed. I would be an emotional basket case. With the Lords help, my husband and kids, I am actually getting better with the { I think I am going to scream } moments. Lol! So doing this blog hop, I am confident will help me tremendously. I know I was led to this blog for a reason.

{Thank you Courtney}  - Please take a moment after you read this post to head over to her blog and read her post, I linked it above in this post.

This weeks challenge is this:
Starting [today] Oct 4 -  Go buy an extra large candle {I have several already] and light a candle everyday in your home.  Place the candle somewhere in your home, I am sticking mine in our most traffic'd area -  The downstairs family room.  Each time the candle catches your eye, say a prayer for peace in your home.

I so do not want to be Home Mom #1  - noted in her post. I strive so hard to be  Home Mom # 2.
If you feel led to join in the meme, link up over at Courtneys blog.



Theresa said...

Found you over on Courtney's challenge. I have thyroid porblems too. Actually just found out I am hyperthyroid. Going to see an endo. on Thursday and get my results from my ultrasound. I am trying to find a natural solution, do you know any?

Sharon Cohen said...

You'll be in my prayers - even after the Making Your Home a Haven challenge is completed. Continuing to work at this is so vital to God's work.

I am so glad to take part in this challenge from Women Living Well. I get to meet and be inspired by women like you. I'm the link with the Dean Martin Picture if you'd like to stop by. Wish you could smell my candle.

Make a Joyful Noise all ye Lands said...

What a sweet blog entry. It does seem to get more difficult to maintain peace and order the more children we have. I love her challenge and will strive to do my best this week with the Lords help.

homeschool101 said...

O ladies, this will definateyly be a well worth it challenge when we make it to the end. I am so excited. Blessings to you all.