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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Follow up to yesterdays post.

Just a follow up of yesterday post about the TV and Shows as well as main stream media in general. I got this in my email from a homeschooling magaizine editor. I thought this was a great encourager to add with the one I posted yesterday. There must be a stirring to awaken the eyes of all Gods people. 

Controlling the TV in Your Home

We have been married 27 years. We had television reception for maybe two of those, and we haven't missed anything at all (contrary to what everyone else in the public sector keeps telling us). What is shocking is what we see now when we go to a hotel or someone else's house. The strangest thing is that folks would never allow the behavior they witness on television in their own house, but they will allow the viewing of those kinds of behaviors right in their own living room. Besides, its history is revisionist, its science is evolutionary, its news is distorted and biased, its lasciviousness is abhorrent, and its worldview is anti-Christ. On the other hand, televisions can be used for good. I am sure there are good programs out there for the discerning viewer.

We use our TV as a monitor for our video/DVD player, and we observe very carefully what is watched. We continue to collect many Christian and educational videos and DVDs, and they have been greatly enjoyed. Insteadof television channels dictating what goes into our minds, we get to dictate everything that comes out of that television. What comes out of it is what we put in it to be viewed. And for our children's sake, we decide carefully, for what we put into them is what will come out of them as well. We do not want them to be filled with the philosophies of the world; adopting its fads, materialism, and sinful ways; nor bound to a television set or particular show that keeps them from living real life for themselves. We could de-junk our minds and our closets and our piles of clutter with much of the time we have spent on things that entertain. Instead, I suggest finding a way to filter out the filth, or just use the television as a tool for your homeschool, making sure to keep in mind this truth before sitting down in front of the tube: ". . . I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." Psalm 101:2, 3

-- Deorah
TOS Senior Editor

1 comment:

Together We Save said...

Wonderful points.... thanks for sharing.