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Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year and Celebrations all around...

As we rolled in to the New Year, My husband and I was praying about the direction for our family and our school day. The Lord led my husband to begin the bible cover to cover reading and while he is working, during our school day we will begin New Testament studying each morning and in the evenings we will all gather at the table before bedtime to begin reading the bible cover to cover and ending with prayer.

I tell you I am so excited about this year. I honestly could not sleep last night for all the excitement in my spirit. So I stayed up giggling and praying enjoying the Lords company. To some that may sound crazy, and that is ok. I enjoy being in the presence of the Lord and I enjoy sharing some of it. :) 

 I truly believe this year is going to be an exciting year for All of God's Children, No matter where you are or what you are going through. This year is truly going to be an exciting year for our family in general and our church family as well. Alot of exciting things have been happening leading up to this year and carrying over to what is the beginning of greater things to come.

Briefly I want to tell you about our church. I have talked vaguly about our church. We started gathering a little over a year ago in a Hotel and we are now in our own church building and growing. Many of my followers have heard me speak about the church we originated from and heart breaks and the merging to a "seeker friendly" (purpose driven) church. I have shared much in the past about this. Praise God a prophetic word was spoken about 12 years ago and today we are walking in that word given with the Pastor spoken of..  We are now at a Word of Faith church, grounded in the Lord, Inspired by His words and stepping out in our Faith in Him giving, believing and receiving unto Him. Praise God!  Our church started out with 18 and has now been averaging around 50+ give or take each week. Our children's ministries are underway and growing fast. The church we purchased needed a major facelift which it recieved all from the Hand of God. Things we needed for the church were either given, donated or purchased at bargain deals all because of The Lord's favor. I am talking things from heating systems, attachments, some awesome media deals, a whole lighting unit to put in our downstairs class areas, cabinets for our kitchen and really so much more. All of this at the hand of the Father in just over a year. Praise God.. 

When he gives you a vision, HOLD ON to that vision and wait to see it through. It may not happen over night but it will come to pass. Walk out in Faith, Trusting Him and be watching, be ready and expect Him to show up. The Lord will always appear when we walk out expecting. Speak His word daily over your life and your family. Speak His word of your daily trials and bless the triumphs. Speak the very blessings over your life, your family and others, the very blessings that are spoken to you in Gods Word.

I encourage you today, walk out expecting Him to show up. No matter what situations you are faced with today, Thank God for everything that comes your way, every person that crosses your path. Bless them no matter how frustrating they may make you. Bless them and encourage them as well as bless yourself and encourage yourself. Leave post it notes up or index cards to remind yourself of scripture. Read scripture daily and above all, if you are given a vision Thank God for that vision and try to make it visual so you are reminded of the vision He gave you daily. 

The Lord told me to begin expecting our House, I had specifics that He shared with me. We have a great house and have had this house for about 8 years now, I Thank Him for this house. Our family has out grown this house but it is still our house and He has provided for us daily in this House. I Thank Him daily for this house and I also Thank Him daily for the House that we are recieving and all the specifics with it. 

If you were told to expect a specific job situtation, Begin Thanking Him for the current job situation, speak blessings and pray blessings over your current job situation, over the leader or boss of this current job situation and then begin Thanking Him for the job He is bringing to you. Thank Him for the specifics He has shared with you. Speak the Word of God in to your life, your circumstances and bring forth praise for these things He is bestowed over you, your life, your spouse, your family, your job and so on.

I hope this is encouraging to you today. Have a wonderful week everyone! 

I encourage all to pray in faith, always be expectant of the Lord. When we walk out expecting Him, He always shows up!

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