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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jeremiah 29

Jeremiah 29:1-23

A Letter to the Exiles

Jeremiah wrote a letter from Jerusalem to the elders, priests, prophets, and all the people who had been exiled to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. 2 This was after King Jehoiachin,[a] the queen mother, the court officials, the other officials of Judah, and all the craftsmen and artisans had been deported from Jerusalem. 3 He sent the letter with Elasah son of Shaphan and Gemariah son of Hilkiah when they went to Babylon as King Zedekiah’s ambassadors to Nebuchadnezzar. This is what Jeremiah’s letter said:
4 This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says to all the captives he has exiled to Babylon from Jerusalem: 5 “Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce. 6 Marry and have children. Then find spouses for them so that you may have many grandchildren. Multiply! Do not dwindle away! 7 And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”
8 This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: “Do not let your prophets and fortune-tellers who are with you in the land of Babylon trick you. Do not listen to their dreams, 9 because they are telling you lies in my name. I have not sent them,” says the Lord.
10 This is what the Lord says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 14 I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”

15 You claim that the Lord has raised up prophets for you in Babylon. 16 But this is what the Lord says about the king who sits on David’s throne and all those still living here in Jerusalem—your relatives who were not exiled to Babylon. 17 This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: “I will send war, famine, and disease upon them and make them like bad figs, too rotten to eat. 18 Yes, I will pursue them with war, famine, and disease, and I will scatter them around the world. In every nation where I send them, I will make them an object of damnation, horror, contempt, and mockery. 19 For they refuse to listen to me, though I have spoken to them repeatedly through the prophets I sent. And you who are in exile have not listened either,” says the Lord.

20 Therefore, listen to this message from the Lord, all you captives there in Babylon. 21 This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says about your prophets—Ahab son of Kolaiah and Zedekiah son of Maaseiah—who are telling you lies in my name: “I will turn them over to Nebuchadnezzar for execution before your eyes. 22 Their terrible fate will become proverbial, so that the Judean exiles will curse someone by saying, ‘May the Lord make you like Zedekiah and Ahab, whom the king of Babylon burned alive!’ 23 For these men have done terrible things among my people. They have committed adultery with their neighbors’ wives and have lied in my name, saying things I did not command. I am a witness to this. I, the Lord, have spoken.”

Exodus 20:2-3I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery. “You must not have any other god but me.                                                                                                                   

As I went over to read a chapter the was on my heart the pages got stuck and I began reading the chapter I thought I was heading over to read. I didnt notice until after I read the chapter a short sometime later, that infact it was not the chapter I was heading over to read, instead it was a few chapters before.  In posting this post, I want to ask this question: When you read the above scripture what first entered your mind, if anything? Just think about that for a second.

When reading this chapter, I will be honest in saying that as I read this my thoughts immediately went from the scripture to things that we are seeing around us today. I will go ahead and note what I seen, I also want to note, that if this slaps you in the face or brings offense, I do apologize. I am not out to attack anyone by no means nor will I make my post on pleasing anyone of this world. The purpose of this post is to state the word and relate it to things of today. It is truth and much fact behind it anyone can see with all that is in the world. So if your offended you took this post somewhere it was not intended.  

There are many things happening today that we can relate to scripture. Dont you agree? There are several things I can relate this scripture to for today. Here are my thoughts: (Some will probably touch a nerve)
  • We (USA - and other countries to, but more the U.S) are a spoiled nation. We are not content with anything and always have to have everything. When a new upgrade of most anything - come out, immediately we drop and run get the newest or lastest version of computer, ipad, ipod, iphone or cell phone in general, vehichle and etc. Thus, teaching these traits on to the children of the upcoming generation. Not to mention the lack of parenting today by many. Yes there are some good parents out there but much of the parents today let their kids run the show because they dont want to hurt their kids feelings or they are too busy trying to be the coolest parent or doped up on drugs and alcohol. (sad to) Really in most cases; To be anyone you have to have everything and it must be the best of the best and latest in technology or your picked over as we see in the Job industry. Not to mention there always appears to be somewhat of a competition to see who can get there first or have this first. Thus also in the housing industry in some cases. We can also take a look at our government and the out of control spending. They dont know how to balance a budget but they can force the american people on one. Do you think they want to stop spending the tax payers money? Would you want to stop spending someone elses money if you have millions, billions heck we are in trillions at that!?  If you disagree your as blind as bat. (No Offense) Bottom line, Much of this relates to GOTTA HAVE IT! But do we really have to have these things? Necessity vs Wants!
  • One of the biggest, well all of these are big, but one thing I see alot today is the Dependant on Goverment aid. Too many rely on Government aid to take care of them. (This excludes those who lost their jobs to the economy. Those people are and were hard workers that honestly messed over by poor decisions and bad leadership) Much of the younger genreation and some of the older genration of folks would rather depend on the Government to assist them and care for them rather then them work hard to care for themself. Yes I aim for the word LAZIENESS! So many are lazy and would rather the Government care for them which is why we have such a corrupted government. Some rather abuse situtations rather then make it better.  To the younger generation of dependants, learn from the older generations. Work hard and save your money, make wise spendings and save for your future. The government will promise all they can as long as you support them, in the end, your the one with nothing and the government sits on your cushion because you believed every phony lie they gave you! (look at todays economy and all the politicians including the man who claims role of presidency! How many white lies were spoken to get the elected vote? What have they done since their election? enough said!
  • We are a people with no value on life. Everyone is in a Hurry to get NO where! Young people should rememeber that noted phrase in bold, as it will save your life!      Principles and beliefs are merely a thing of the past and in most families are not carried over. (Lord bless the few who do carry them over) We are a people who think if a person is broken we must chuck them out to the trash and run for a replacement each time - instead of picking up the pieces and trying to fix things and resolve the relationships. (Friendships, Family and all relationships leading up to the Marital Relationships are broken they are not strong and their foundations are not solid. Divorces prove this as they are on the rise, I will also note a touchy subject and I mean no disrespect, but in most cases today it has been stated the reason homosexuality exhists and as big today, is because a person of the same sex was felt they would better assist the needs of that gender rather then one of the opposite sex. People are to afraid to do what is right, To Blind and alot just flat out dont care. They just want more and if one person can not fulfill their need instead of trying or working out the problem pawning off the first is the solution and finding a next. Your right on one thing Mr Obama, Times have changed and more and more people today just flat out dont care! - What ever happened to Fighting for what was RIGHT! ( This is Deception Lurking amidst the people today and creates things like this and it is so very sad)
  • Working in todays world is all about the person and the profit, no more is about the people. How much more can I milk this person or that person for? Who can get rich the fastest? Who cares about the people, how fast can I take everything they have? The mindset of todays people is all about ME ME ME and What else can I get from the people! We see this so much in the Government. Folks, If your ok with Big Government be prepared to lose all you have and dont cry about it when its gone if your going to allow it! 
  • The church has allowed false doctrination, false teaching and deception in to the body of Christ. Today so many churches are falling astray rather then drawing closer to God. Why? The push for one world merge in religion is the biggest reason. Today, if you talk about Christ and Christianity you are ridiculed and in most countries murdered. But if you talk about Allah, Budduh or anyother religion it is ok. Did you know the UN was trying to get the USA to agree to a law of blasphemy for Islam? Its true. Thank God Hilary Clinton had the common sense to say NO we are country that believes in Freedom of Speech. What would happen if the US took agreement on the blasphemy law, Well talk against an islam and you would be murdered or severely punished. What about the Christian believer? The issue is not the believer itself, its the religion that is under the attack. I dont think it is right nor would I cut down the belief of another believer for lack of intelligence. The bible is clear and precisely to the point you do not cast judgement over another no matter how ignorant they are! I would not cast the stone on an Islamic worshipper, so why are they quick to cast the stone on a christian believer? If they offer peace why is there war? Again I note not attacking just stating truth and tossing a question amidst it. My God offers Peace and He is the Judge.  Its not my way or the high way as it seems to be in some of these radical religions today. But most of all religion is the one under attack not the believer unless you refuse to merge! If you disagree that is your oppinion
  • What was once a country UNDER GOD is now a country fighting to keep a float. To many today walk around believing the latest trend that they are mini Gods and that the Almighty God does not exist! May God open the eyes of these poor lost followers!
THOUGHT to think on: merely an other point to make - The average american today, including believers: Are so busy in their day to include God. Working as many hours as they can is priority in America, Everyone is always trying to get ahead of someone or for something. $$$$.(hear the chachings, Money Money Money) (yes there are cases where people are trying to get ahead to get bills current for struggling to make ends meet. (Matthew 6: 19-34)

 Let us not forget the hobbies and how they have consumed the average student today. (Including Believers) Honestly, how many can say that there is nothing consuming their day and that they have all the time in their day to make room for God. Between work, sports and other academics and fulfilling our wants we are so busy trying to provide for our self, do for our self, excel for our self that we do not even let God in or have any control. Let me put it bluntly, Believer or Non Believer, You will never excel doing for yourself. Working all those long hours for your job, putting in all the swet for your academics_sports will get you some place sure, But it will not get you to the place God has for you! His place is far greater then the place you excel to. Simply put, God MUST BE First! If He wants you to have this or that, He will give it to you in HIS timing. If He wants you in this academic or sport HE will get you there in HIS timing. If your killing yourself to get there your not putting HIM first!  I have seen some around me doing several of these points made: Extras hours = more $$$, Families pushing sports or academics and are so caught up in the sport or academic they are always on the GO! One in particular pushes to be the best no exception. When I look at how it has changed their whole family because of the Love of the Sport it breaks my heart. Good strong and God fearing family tranformed by the sport. That wouldnt of happened if God was put first.   We can all say oh I put God first but it honestly shows if you do or do not! 

I could continue on but the main point of this post is right now God is calling All who will listen back to Him.  In the bold print above you can see where some of my points reference. You can also see highlighted text of words from the Father. I truly believe much of these promises will be fulfilled after the rapture, But I also believe we will see the signs and some of these things may begin to fall in to line leading up to the rapture. The bible says, No Man knows the Day or Hour but God,

 (Matthew 24:36 “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself.[k] Only the Father knows.)

The Bible also says, through out: Acts, Matthew, Revelations and various other books of the bible, "Though no man no the day or hour, signs will appear and all who know the Lord will know the time is near."

Believer, If these scriptures today don't get your mind thinking on what exactly is going on around us, I honestly don't know what else can be said. I urge you to get in to the Word of God. Meditate on the Bible daily. Be in prayer and have that relationship with the Lord. Things here on this earth are getting crazy by the minute and its about to get even more crazier.  I urge you now: Don't take words at face value. Instead look things up in the Bible if your not sure and go from there. If you are one of these that attend a church and just sit in the congregation with out reading your word, with out knowing your word just listening to the words the pastor brings forth and leaving from there taking his or her words at face value with out even checking the bible to see IF indeed that is what it says, Your one who is walking with a near by friend called deception. All need to be grounded on the Word of God, All should be ready to stand up for the Truth when the time comes, even if it may be addressing false doctrin within the church. 

Gods word is clear, it is TRUTH and all who walk in the Truth will BE SAVED! Don't take words of others at Face Value. How will you know if it is Gods word if your not in Gods Word? Its time to get in to the word of God and find the truth. I assure you, there will be peace around you when you seek the truth in Him.

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