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Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Special "Thank You" TO: My Followers

To all my faithful followers, readers and subscribers:  I just felt I needed to say, "Thank You" to each of you. You have blessed me this year in more ways then one.  I took a break for a while and came back to post you with the latest in Growth and encouragers that I have. Although I am not on still as often as before I will continue you to update here on the blog but not as often as I am trying to focus more on family now. (I aim to post near our weekends (Thur eve- Sat) I hope. I may be on more or less, we will play all by ear and see where the Lord leads. :) 

 I feel I must note that for me, blogging is this: It is not about the followers you gain but it IS about the people you have reached and the people you are helping. 

I am excited about the new year and all it will bring. I believe God is going to be even more amazing this coming year and I can not wait to walk with him. I hope you will continue to join me on this journey. :)

Thank you to all of you again, those of you who wisp in so quietly and off, those of you that stop in for a chat and spread the word. You are highly valued and greatly appreciated. May God Bless you and your family through this holiday season and may each of you be safe. 

Have a wonderful Christmas and Safe New Year. I am signing off for the next two weeks to spend time with family and I will be back on January 3, 2012. Hope to meet up with you then.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Go Bless You All!

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